Give your views on operator licensing consultation

Department for Transport outlines proposals under consideration

Have you seen the consultation on changes planned for the operator licensing system?

It launched earlier this month.

The Department for Transport is looking at two areas:

  • PSV licence applications
  • Formal tribunal rules

PSV licence applications

Traffic commissioners can give HGV applicants temporary authority (called an interim licence) while they’re waiting for the full licence to come up for approval.

This doesn’t exist for PSV operators. The consultation looks at how it could be introduced.

Tribunal rules

Tribunal rules are used to manage cases and make sure they’re dealt with fairly and justly. They also make tribunals more accessible and will help those who are appearing before commissioners comply with what they’ve been asked to do.

The consultation looks at whether formal tribunal rules will be beneficial.

You can respond to the consultation online, by email or in writing.

View the consultation

Click here for the original bulletin